Verz Technologies is committed to developing solutions that are simple to understand and use, meet your specific set of needs and are scaleable to meet future requirements.

Many companies buy "off the shelf" software without analysing the benefits of Customised packages. We, at Verz Technologies, realise that each business, however big or small, is unique and has its own special requirements that keep changing. We ensure that all the solutions we offer will not only meet current requirements but also remain adaptable and scaleable to meet future needs. You will never reach a 'dead end' with us.

Custom Application Development by means of

  • Expanding development capacity at lower cost through state-of-the-art facility near New Delhi , India .
  • Increase project collaboration and technical pool of skilled resources to minimize risk
  • Improve application quality through proven methodologies and quality processes

Verz TechnologiesSoftware Development

Verz TechnologiesTechnologies is proud to be an Indian Offshore Development company, which effectively provides "best-in-industry" offshore software development services to you. Offshore development is a cost effective alternative to developing software in-house. Offshore development and Offshore Programming at Verz TechnologiesTechnologies safeguards the client's intellectual property, proprietary software and new development specifications with very high levels of security Distributed Applications.

Distributed Applications is growing industries such as Publishing Houses,Exporters,Traders etc. have deployed highly expensive special-purpose distributed systems to make their business secure. The biggest hinderance to supporting these, and even richer.

List of Software

  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Employee Management
  • ERP
  • Inventory Management
  • Virtual Parent Teacher meet Software
  • School Management System
  • Coaching Module
  • E-magazine
  • Sales Module