The News Portal is the leading online platform for sharing news, information and knowledge about ICT-enhanced learning and training for the corporate, education and public service sectors. The site attracts high-level policy and decision makers, experts and practitioners from education, business and governments.

Our newsletter, which is published eight times a year, is sent to over 80,000 readers worldwide.


Our News Publishing system provides flexible, easy-to-use content management focused on minimizing administrator involvement and cost. It combines content creation, graphics, and publication controls into one turn-key portlet.

  1. A story features a photo along with author, byline, brief, and publication information
  2. Unlimited number of dynamic news sections
  3. Publishes related Web links and descriptions with a story
  4. Publishes a photo gallery with a story
  5. Simple, dynamic front page and section page publication presentation controls
  6. Authorized contributing writers can submit stories for editorial review and publication
  7. Links to sections and stories can be featured in appropriate areas throughout the site
  8. Schedule the activation/display date of a story
  9. Date sensitive stories are removed from the site automatically
  10. Site visitors can email stories to others
  11. Provide an RSS feed of the latest listings
  12. Includes a graphics directory for sharing and archiving graphics
  13. Optional story archives portlet with powerful search capabilities
  14. Stories can be rated and reviewed by your audience with the Ratings and Reviews portlet
  15. Restrict viewing to authorized users/subscribers only using the Restricted Content Viewing portlet